Liner Notes: PEGA5U5 Debut album the Flock

Good music Alert!!! (Links at the bottom)

PEAGA5u5 Debut Album

PEAGA5u5 Debut Album

Love good hip hop, a phat groove or a beautiful soundscape? Check out PEGA5U5’s debut album, Flock.”  Some how it manages to blend groovy and goofy, psychedelic and sexy; and warm and wet.  The production work here is rich and beautiful, I would expect nothing less from something Mr. Rogers had his hand in, but it’s truly and evolution in sound.  The Hip-hop lyrics are positive inspirational, and even catchy at times and frequently matched with beautiful wet vocals which sing out to the heart; inviting the head to nod and the toe to tap.

Highlights of the album are #2 “Get Low,” a warm hip-hop infused invitation to the dance floor full of organic percussion, strings, and wood winds, along side a funked out buzzy bass line. #5 “Blue Sol” Ft CelloJoe a majestically sexy trap track that is one part Com Truise, one part Nu Jack Swing, one part cello all blended with a dash of glitch and 808.  Akon would sell his soul to have been on this one, str8 baby making music. and #7 “Gravity” ft Deja Solis My personal favorite, it’s like if you took the spirit of early 2000 progressive house and applied it to a not quite hard hip-hop track with female vocals.  It’s like Freddy Todd on Viagra.

Mr. Rogers hooked it up on an advanced copy (.wav!) with the explicit request that I not share it. I can’t help but share here, because this shit is bomb. I listened to the album back-to-back like 4 times, it was that good. Another cool thing is that the album is Self Released through Band Camp as a “Name your price” Download, or a $12 Limited addition compact disc which comes with online access to downloadable and streamable copies.

Find PEGA5U5 on Sound Cloud or Facebook


(My Liner notes are recorded below)

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